Welcome Speech

The business world is a big market which requires a lot of skilled manpower as well as talented human resources. In reality, the distribution of this resource is not even balanced throughout the world. As a result, the practice of hiring manpower overseas has evolved in course of time. The recruiting agency, in compliance with government law, completes contracts of employment with agency workers in order to assign them to user undertakings to work there under their supervision and direction. The private agencies are the result of the failure of the public institutions who have failed to cope with the perpetual changes of the OP market. The emergence Madina Overseas is to meet the expectations of both the employers and the working hands. This is an ideal place where commitment is fulfilled, the truth is revealed and the words are kept. Needless to say, a panel of experts is here to address each and every query to satisfy all of its stakeholders. Madina Overseas is surely going to be one of the most reliable agencies both at home and abroad.

Please Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Corporate Office: 48, Nayapaltan,7th floor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Give us a ring

Mobile Number: +88 01985758599
Land Phone Number: +8802226664715
Hours: Sat - Thu, 9:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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